Our Client Onboarding Experience

Our Client Onboarding Experience

We know it can be daunting switching to a new accountant. It might feel like a mammoth task so you just keep putting off. Kind of like making it to the gym to cancel your membership after not going for the last six months. This is why we made sure that our client onboarding experience is as convenient as possible.

Changing accountants doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, our onboarding process makes it seamless. We even contact your accountant to obtain all your information, so you can avoid any awkward conversations about why you’re leaving them.

We start with a complimentary meeting. This helps us get to know you and your business and make sure we’re the right fit for each other. We want to know your goals and how we can work together to ensure these are achieved. We want to ensure we have similar values and expectations. We want to show you how we can add value to your business to ensure you can achieve time, mind, and financial freedom.

After the meeting, if we both agree we’ll work well together, we’ll complete all the boring admin stuff. We’ll request your info from your accountant, iron out any historical creases, and ensure your books are up to date.

Next, we like to meet with our clients to develop their Business Plan. We don’t mean a 30-page plan we create and send to you to gather dust in the bottom drawer. Our Business Plans are succinct and dynamic to act as a decision-making tool for your business. We’ll help you set your goals for the year and break these down into 90-day goals and actions to ensure success. Not all clients choose to have a Business Plan, but our most successful clients have one – it’s best practice.

Then, the work begins. Depending on your selected service plan, this could be a Cashflow Management Coaching so you can plan for inflows and outflows, Tax Planning to ensure you put away enough money for tax, or ongoing Accountability Coaching so you stay on track to achieve your goals.

This is just a handful of the services we offer; we’ll work out your ideal service offering at our initial meeting. Along the way, we’ll keep in touch to review our performance and make sure we’re on track to achieve your goals.

On a side-note, our Quick Queries service means you can get in touch with a question at any time. If it can be raised and resolved within 10 minutes, there’s no charge.

After a year together, we’ll review your progress and celebrate your wins. We’ll also reset your key initiatives, and goals and redefine what success will look like for you in the coming year.

If this sounds like a bit of you, get in touch for your complimentary meeting or to find out more about our firm. Also, if you are looking for an accountant in Auckland – don’t hesitate to reach out.

“Progress is impossible without change.” – George Bernard Shaw

Are you struggling to make your business work?

Insight CA Limited is a team of experienced Auckland-based chartered accountants and business advisors who can help. We’ll give you the power to see what’s really happening in your business, so you can take control and start making progress. Click here to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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