Wishing You a Safe & Merry Christmas!

Wishing You a Safe & Merry Christmas!

We wish you a safe and relaxing Christmas, and an abundant New Year!

We’re closing our doors on the 23rd of December 2022 and will reopen in the New Year on the 9th of January 2023.

Thank you for working with us this year — we appreciate you!

Below are the key compliance dates coming up. If you have questions or need help with any of the following, we are here to help.

Key Tax Dates – DECEMBER 2022 & EARLY 2023

  • 20 December – PAYE – Small and large employers’ payment due. File employment information within two working days after payday.
  • 16 January – GST forperiod ending November 2022 and provisional tax
  • 20 January – PAYE for December 2022 & FBT
  • 30 January GST for period ending December 2022
  • 20 February PAYE for January 2023
  • 28 February GST for period ending January 2023

And don’t forget about GST, PAYE, and provisional tax falling due from 17 January in the new year!

Anything keeping you up at night?

If you’re facing operational issues, tackling people challenges, or have health and safety questions, get free support and advice from the COVID-19 Business Helpline: North Island: 0800 500 362 and South Island: 0800 505 096.

Contact Us

It’s never too early to start planning your financial goals for the year. Find out more about Cash Flow Management Coaching or simply book a call on your next available date so we can discuss and plan out your success for 2022!

cash flow management

Are you struggling to make your business work?

Insight CA Limited is a team of experienced Auckland-based chartered accountants and business advisors who can help. We’ll give you the power to see what’s really happening in your business, so you can take control and start making progress. Click here to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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