Tyrone and Natasha uncovered the secret behind every great business. Now you can too.

Tyrone and Natasha uncovered the secret behind every great business. Now you can too.

Tyrone and Natasha had always been enterprising people. They met in their early twenties, each working for a company that they didn’t feel was giving them the respect they deserved, so they quit and started their own.

Unfortunately, while successful in the eyes of everyone that beholds them, they knew that all they really had done was create themselves a job.  They were back to where they started, working long hours with little time for themselves.

Tyrone and Natasha were stuck in a vicious cycle, and they knew it. But they didn’t know how to break out of it.

When we first met with Tyrone and Natasha, it was clear that they had different goals and concerns about the business’s performance.

Tyrone was certainly qualified and passionate about his trade, and Natasha clearly had a basic understanding of administration – but not enough to run a business without assistance.

It also became apparent that they had different ideas about what their business should be offering its clients. Tyrone saw the business as being all about providing a high-quality service, whereas Natasha was more concerned about the bottom line and wanted to keep costs down.

After several meetings and some very frank discussions, Tyrone was excited about the prospect of where the business could be headed.  Natasha, however, like many business owners, was still resistant to the idea of paying for professional services – believing that she could save money by doing it all herself.

We helped Natasha realise that while true, this wasn’t currently working and was, in fact, holding the business back from achieving its potential.

Today Tyrone and Natasha’s business is thriving. They’re making more money than ever before; in fact, profits have increased by a massive 133% in the last six months alone.  All because they uncovered the secret behind every great business, that they couldn’t do it all alone. They needed to surround themselves with expert insights that could help them take their business to the next level.

And that’s what we did. We helped them align their goals by implementing a business plan – something Natasha would never have invested in before and gave them the insight they needed to make their business thrive.

If you’re like Tyrone and Natasha and you’re struggling to take your business to the next level, we can help. We offer a range of services designed to help business owners just like you grow their businesses and achieve their goals. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today, and let’s see how we can help you turn your business into a success story.


Looking for other resources to help you grow your business? We recommend reading about Matt’s experience next.

Are you struggling to make your business work?

Insight CA Limited is a team of experienced Auckland-based chartered accountants and business advisors who can help. We’ll give you the power to see what’s really happening in your business, so you can take control and start making progress. Click here to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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