Thinking of Selling your business?

Thinking of Selling your business?

Over the course of the next 10 years something like 76% of business owners expect to sell their business. And of those, those that focus on improving their business’s value will attract a significantly higher value than the average, and quite often attract more than one buyer.

So what about you?

  • Is your financial performance showing strong growth and profitability?
  • How easy or hard is it for you to grow your business?
  • Are you over-dependent on a single or small number of customers, suppliers or employees: what happens if they go?
  • Does your business need more cash, because if it does, it has less value?
  • Are your revenue streams reliable and repeatable because the more reliable your income streams, the more value your business has.
  • Does it have the wow factor i.e. can customers tell the difference between you and the competition?
  • Can you prove that your customers are happy?
  • If your business over-depends on you, you have a problem.

If you’re shaking your head in bewilderment or thinking more work needs to be done to answer these on a positive note, then you and your business aren’t ready to sell.

Our workshop on the 16th June focuses on business owners in exactly that position.

So why not come along and find out a bit more about grooming your business for sale, and the benefits that follow people that do.

Workshop: Thursday 16th June 2016

Time: 5.30pm to 7.30pm Cost: Free (includes nibbles & drink)

Venue: Insight CA Limited offices on Level 3, 81 Grafton Road, Grafton, Auckland

Call to book: 09 309 3222 or register at: “Selling My Business”

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