Prepare Your Business To Raise Capital!

Prepare Your Business To Raise Capital!

Did you know that almost all businesses need to raise capital at some point? Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, chances are you’ll need to find ways to bring in more money. This can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to raise capital for your business. We’ll also provide tips on how to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. So if you’re looking for ways to grow your business, keep reading!

Before going down the path of seeking outside capital, identify any other ways that you could raise money. For example, do you have savings from within this business or personal assets which could be used? If so weigh up what advantages would come with selling these first before taking on more debt. If there are unused assets in a company’s portfolio (machinery not being used often), then they might want to consider letting them go for cash instead.

Once you have completed this exercise, determine how much you now need.

Equity capital and debt capital – the difference

The most common form of raising capital is with ‘Debt capital’. This is money you’ve borrowed, usually from your bank (or friends and colleagues). It could be short-term funding like an overdraft for extra stock, or longer-term loans for buying new equipment or a building.

Less common is ‘Equity capital’ where you raise cash in exchange for selling part of your business. In effect you give up some of the equity in your business for capital to help grow. More often than not, you need substantial amounts of capital to make it worth-while to the investor.

Debt capital

Most of us are familiar with borrowing money. The most popular sources are:

  • Friends and family. Often a first option as they are easy to approach but do take care as owing money to people you know isn’t always a good idea.
  • The bank. Do you have any spare equity in your house that you could use? This is one of the most used forms of raising capital for small businesses as it’s often the cheapest. Interest rates with a property as security is almost always cheaper than unsecured finance.  You might also consider asset finance, where you borrow cash over the value of an asset, work in progress or stock.

Before you borrow any funds, double check that do you really need cash, or would you be better off looking at new markets working alongside a partner business?

Equity capital

If you require more capital than you can raise yourself or borrow, then you may wish to sell part of your business in return. The main providers are:

Angel investors
Angels are people (often other business owners) who think your business is promising and are willing to invest in it. They usually invest in businesses they’re familiar with, wanting either a return on their investment, some equity, or both.

The great thing about angel investors is that they’re usually keen to invest at an early stage, which can help with your start up. They bring their own experience to the table, which is knowledge you should take advantage of.

Venture capitalists
These are investment companies or fund managers who provide cash in return for part-ownership of your business. However, they’re typically looking to invest larger sums of money, which could be above and beyond what you need, and their requirements are much tougher than angel investors.

They may not want to play such an active role in the management of your business, but possibly a role on your board (so they tend to look at larger businesses).

Other forms of capital raising

Government assistance

It’s well worth checking out whether or not your business qualifies for government funding. Mostly, this type of funding comes in the form of grants.

Corporate investors

At times large companies (it could be a customer or supplier of yours) invest in smaller businesses that they have a stake in seeing grow and expand.

Crowd funding

Growing in popularity are online capital raising forums. They profile businesses seeking capital and then rely on the online investor network to raise the capital required.

Prepare your business for raising capital

Regardless of where you get the capital from, the more prepared you are the better.

These tips will help you present a strong business case to whoever you are talking to:

  • Speak to advisors – your business banker, lawyer, business advisor and chartered accountant are all people you should consult about finding investors. They’ll have good contacts and advice.
  • Prep your business – get your processes and systems running smoothly, make sure you’re monitoring your KPIs and demonstrate how you’re providing an excellent customer experience. Look for ways to work smarter, try and reduce overheads, and make sure all marketing is measured so you can continue with what works and ditch what doesn’t.
  • Build your business case – review your business plan and make sure it’s presented well. Define your goals, how you’re going to achieve them, why you need capital and how much you need. Justify your reasons in terms of growth and expansion opportunities.
  • Show you’re special – highlight what makes you stand out. So showcase your competitive advantage and point of difference. Demonstrate how you’ve protected your IP and if you can show that your business is scalable, so much the better.
  • Explain your team – show that they’re experienced, skilled, and ready for the journey.
  • Look for leverage – don’t grab at the first person to offer money. Make sure you’ve done your due diligence on all potential investors so you can decide which will work best with you and your business.
  • Consider the risks – you are going to have to hand over some ownership if you decide on the equity option. Make sure you’re comfortable with this.

Contact Us

We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s finding the right type of loan, applying for one online or just need some general advice on how to raise capital – we’re here to help! Maybe you need an accountant in Auckland to do the work for you? Reach out today and let us know what your goals are so that we can put together a plan with you specifically in mind. You’ll be glad you did!

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Do you want to understand your business better? Click here to check out our latest post on key financial terms you should know about!

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Insight CA Limited is a team of experienced Auckland-based chartered accountants and business advisors who can help. We’ll give you the power to see what’s really happening in your business, so you can take control and start making progress. Click here to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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