Cash Flow

Knowing your cashflow is an absolute must for any business.

It allows you to unlock hidden profits and make informed decisions, even if it’s not required by the bank! 

An annual Cashflow Forecast can allow you to gain a better understanding of your finances and find creative solutions that boost profitability.

We’ll get the ball rolling by drafting a Cashflow Forecast using your accounting software as our guide. 

You’ll have an opportunity to review it and provide us with specifics of any changes you anticipate in the upcoming year so we can refine all assumptions for accuracy. 

Then, let’s schedule a meeting where together we will assess seasonal fluctuations, compare cashflows of last year versus this one, consider any implications of staffing changes, significant one-off items, taxation variables and capital expenditures – leaving no stone unturned we’ll finalise your Cashflow Forecast in your accounting or reporting software. 

We recommend you create actual vs. forecast reports each month to track your progress and clarify areas that may present improvement opportunities. 

We can also help you with this.

  • Gives you an understanding of your cashflow for better decision making
  • Enables you to predict and plan for large cash outflows
  • Identifies key drivers of cashflow in your business
  • Allows you to monitor your actual cashflow against forecast in your accounting or reporting software
  • Identifies ways to avoid late payment penalties and interest from suppliers
  • Provides peace of mind that your cashflow needs are known and properly funded
  • Improves communication and relationships with your financiers and suppliers