Accountability Coaching

Are you ready to become the best version of your business? 

Investing in either Quarterly/Monthly Coaching will give you access to one of our accountability coaches who will guide every step of the way. With personalised advice, decision-making tools, and a commitment from us that we’ll hold you accountable for achieving success – it’s time to make things happen!

Ideally, Accountability Coaching takes place once you have completed a Business Plan, so it becomes the guide against which all operational and personal decisions are made.  

However, the Accountability programme may also be used as a vehicle and guide to work through major changes in your business circumstances or to help you implement a Strategic or Succession Plan.

This coaching programme consists of quarterly meetings with one of our senior team members, as well as phone and email support.  

The purpose of each meeting is to review your actual results, clarify areas where you can improve your business performance, set 90-day goals and identify strategies to achieve them.  

As a result of each meeting, you will develop a realistic 90-day Action Plan with timelines to keep you on track to achieve your annual Business Plan.  

You will have access to our expertise and resources to enable you to implement best business practice.

  • Accountability and support from your coach to enable you to achieve your desired results
  • Increase profitability and cash flow
  • Determine a process to report your actual results against your budget
  • Gain an understanding of the key drivers within your business and what impacts them
  • Identify and solve your burning issues
  • Gain access to an expert sounding board to thoroughly discuss your ideas 
  • Understand the impact of ideas prior to implementing them within the business
  • Improve leadership
  • Improve business performance by identifying ways to overcome challenging issues
  • Keep your Business Plan as a ‘living document’ to ensure you are working towards your goals
  • Align the directors in terms of prioritising what projects are important (if applicable)
  • Access the collective wisdom of our accountants; our systems, products and services

We offer two different payment methods for our services – an annual fee paid in advance, or smaller monthly installments paid by direct debit. Both methods have their advantages and can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

Paying the annual fee in advance gives you on average between 10-20% discount on the overall cost, making it a great option if you’re able to commit to paying upfront. Alternatively, spreading the cost into smaller monthly payments can help to make the service more affordable, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

Whichever payment method you choose, we’re confident that you’ll be happy with the quality of our service. Be aware that the monthly installments are estimated fees for the year in advance, and may not cover all services. If you request additional services throughout the year, which are outside your plan, then we will let you know but need to charge you extra. Likewise, if you are unable to carry out the tasks we need to do your work and we need our staff to do it for you this is also not included.