Alert Level Rules: What They Mean and How to Use Them

Alert Level Rules: What They Mean and How to Use Them

Although we have been here before, it can be hard to remember the rules on operating businesses at the different alert levels.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s website has a useful guidance table for businesses at Alert levels 2, 3 and 4.
Familiarise yourself with the rules now, so that you can be ready with a plan for a change in Alert Level. Visit the MBIE site here.

While level 4 lockdown prevents most businesses from operating, businesses can sell essential non-food consumer products at Alert Level 4, as long as they’re sold online with contactless ordering payment and delivery.

For more information on operating your business at Level 4 visit the COVID-19 website.

COVID-19 Tax relief for donations of trading stock

If you are donating trading stock to an approved donee, such as a registered charity or public authority, you may qualify for an income tax deduction. 

The legislation applies to stock donated between (and including) March 17, 2020, and March 16, 2022. The change provides temporary relief from an anti-avoidance rule. Talk to us about how this may affect your business.

Talk to us, we are here to help​

If you are struggling to meet compliance obligations due to Covid 19, there are options. We can give you guidance on support schemes, assist with planning and we can talk to the IRD on your behalf. Talk to us early so we can help you plan.


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