Business Exit Strategy Workshop

Business Exit Strategy Workshop

Are you considering exiting your business in the future?

Do you have a good handle on what your business is worth or how it would be valued? Our programs are based on how the buyer views the potential sale, what they look for and how that impacts business value. If you don’t want to be another statistic whereby your business is sold at a discounted value, or not sold at all, come to our workshops and be enlightened on how to prepare your business for sale, and just as importantly, how to prepare yourself for exit.

Come along to our evening workshops on Exit Strategy. We explain how a business is valued, what can be done to improve business value and why business owners should think seriously about getting help to ensure their value is realistic. Come share your ideas, concerns or experiences in this area.

Why not reserve a seat now





The evening starts with an opportunity to network and enjoy some food and wine.

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